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Everything posted by pugdug808

  1. Here's that thing but here! sweet!!! that shows me how to do it now!
  2. it seems to have resolved its self
  3. pugdug808

    i cant bandage

    me and a buddy are playing but when i get hurt it wont let me bandage i tore a shirt but it wont let me and its really annoying
  4. pepsi and coke tied at 44.44% pepsi is best btw
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdoIs1jZbCY
  6. aot was pretty dern great i hope they make a second season considering its popularity they probably will
  7. i really enjoy anime i like it more than american shows, i think its fantastic im still new-ish compared to people who have completed over 100. anyway so what are some of your favorite shows, or ones you highly recommend. i just finished future diary and it was absolutely amazing! i watched it dubbed i was surprised because it was a rather well done dub.
  8. i built a space plane. i call it the dragon fly, after its engines run out of fuel it can flap its wings and fly infinitely without fuel or engines. ill post a video later
  9. saw the trailer earlier loved it gonna see dat shit
  10. cake all de way, pie crust is always so bland, but cake is always like like BAM, flavor!
  11. well i dont know about you but i wouldnt mind being sacrificed to a goat, just so long as the goat has a solid gold crown on while it happens
  12. wtf is going on i have looked through these scripts a ton of times and absolutely cannot find whats wrong! so it is code for a 2d platformer and what happens is its supposed to collide with stuff with the "collisions Layer" and everything is setup so im just trying to find any code errors using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;[RequireComponent(typeof(PlayerPhysics))]public class playerController : MonoBehaviour { public float gravity = 20; public float speed = 8; public float acceleration = 12; private float currentSpeed; private float targetSpeed; private Vector2 amountToMove; private PlayerPhysics playerPhysics; void Start() { playerPhysics = GetComponent<PlayerPhysics>(); } void Update() { targetSpeed = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal")* speed; currentSpeed = IncrementTowards(currentSpeed, targetSpeed,acceleration); amountToMove.x = currentSpeed; amountToMove.y -= gravity * Time.deltaTime; playerPhysics.Move(amountToMove * Time.deltaTime); } private float IncrementTowards(float n, float target,float a) { if(n == target) { return n; } else { float dir = Mathf.Sign(target - n); n+= a * Time.deltaTime * dir; return (dir == Mathf.Sign(target-n))? n: target; } } }the two are dependent on each other using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;[RequireComponent(typeof(BoxCollider))]public class PlayerPhysics : MonoBehaviour { public LayerMask collisionMask; private BoxCollider collider; private Vector3 s; private Vector3 c; private float skin = .005f; [HideInInspector] public bool grounded; Ray ray; RaycastHit hit; void Start() { collider = GetComponent<BoxCollider>(); s = collider.size; c = collider.center; } public void Move(Vector2 moveAmount) { float deltaY = moveAmount.y; float deltaX = moveAmount.x; Vector2 p = transform.position; for (int i = 0; i<=3; i ++) { float dir = Mathf.Sign(deltaY); float x = (p.x + c.x - s.x/2) + s.x/2 * i; float y = p.y + c.y + s.y/2 * dir; ray = new Ray(new Vector2(x,y), new Vector2(0,dir)); if(Physics.Raycast(ray,out hit,Mathf.Abs(deltaY),collisionMask )) { float dst = Vector3.Distance (ray.origin, hit.point); if (dst > skin) { deltaY = -dst + skin; } else{ deltaY = 0; } grounded = true; break; } } Vector2 finalTransform = new Vector2(deltaX,deltaY); transform.Translate(finalTransform); }}if anyone one could help that would be very much appreciated because frankly i do not know what to do at this point
  14. im going to stop drop and roll, while also flailing my bat around
  15. it seems the only logical action would be to..................RUN AWAY FROM THE ZEDS!!!!!
  16. i shall take a gander for the best route away from zombies, and take it.
  17. i wander towards the people to investigate the yells and loud popping, while also hoping to find a weapon.
  18. banned for not posting enough times in this thread!
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