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Horstreiner's Achievements

  1. Ok I am realizing that this is pretty much a Multiplayer issue. In SP you can sleep to skip night time plus speed up the time when reading or idling ... none of this is possible in MP Was sleeping in coop ever discussed? Is there a burried option to allow sleeping, including time skip, when all players on the server agree to do so? Without those features a 365 days year really means 365 hours of playtime, which is an overkill IMO.
  2. It would be very nice to be able to make the years shorter, without shorter days. IMO 1hour days are great to get things done but I also would like to see the world erode, the water and electricity stopping and most of all see the winter for the first time! Now I play with a friend in coop and we would have to play for about 3 months, which would be like 90 hours of play time, to get to winter time ... this is just to much. How does anyone manage to play a year at this rate? 365 hours on one character? Or am I simply missing something?
  3. In older versions you had a slight grey color on the areas you couldnt see, even during day. With newer versions during day your line of sight has the exact same coloring as the stuff you cant see, for example behind your back. So this makes it feel kinda wonky, almost unintentional how zombies pop up in your view, without a visualizaition of your view cone. It makes me feel safe when I am not. The old "fog of war" made clear that I can not see everything and reminded me to look behind from time to time. Please consider bringing that back, or explain why not Thanks!
  4. This is actually really well done in Terraria and I wonder why it isnt in Starbound: You simply have a "quick stack" button wich automaticly puts all items of the same type onto existing stacks in the container. So you just have to open your OCD friendly containers and press one button and its done!
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