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Server Configuration


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Hello. So I have some questions for you and hopefully some of you got the answers that I need :)


So I haven't played Zomboid in a while. Me and a friend played yestoday and I noticed that was like hordes everywhere we went and we went with standard settnings.

So the Questions

1. When I start a server the default name is Servertest.. But if I make some changes in the PZServerSettings and save them as let's say ( Woodhugger ).

How can I start a server that will run those options? I have never found the option to change the server startup file??

2. How can I lower the zombie amount on the server? Is it in  PZServerSettings >  Sandbox > World Options > Zombies (normal)? or is it somewhere else?


3.  In the PZServerSettings at the Loot Respawn .. What does happend if I put 4 there and on Loot Respawn on Every Day in the Sandbox > World Options



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1. For now, it seems that it's very troublesome to make the server read your "Woodhugger" instead of the servertest config settings.

You can rename it into servertest.ini, it'll work.


2. EDIT : Yes, it's that one. But you can also check here : Advanced > Population

Don't have the files here but it's not that thing.

You have to change the respawn value or/and multiplicator.


3. Don't know. If nobody answers, i'll edit my message in 2 hours to give you the answer.

EDIT : What is the value "4" ? You can't put a number in Loot Respawn. If you put "Every day" on loot respawn, well, the loot will respawn every day on houses, containers...

EDIT 2 : "4" is for the Max Items ? It means that it'll respawn a maximum amount of 4 items every hour. But since the value of Respawn Every Hour is set as 0, well, it does nothing.

Edited by Zapiboss
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/30/2016 at 10:08 AM, Zapiboss said:

3. Don't know. If nobody answers, i'll edit my message in 2 hours to give you the answer.

EDIT : What is the value "4" ? You can't put a number in Loot Respawn. If you put "Every day" on loot respawn, well, the loot will respawn every day on houses, containers...

EDIT 2 : "4" is for the Max Items ? It means that it'll respawn a maximum amount of 4 items every hour. But since the value of Respawn Every Hour is set as 0, well, it does nothing.

 Actually, the "4" is the maximum amount of items within a container that is checked to determine if it will spawn new items within the container or not, wiping out whatever items are currently in there. So if there are 4 items within a potentially spawn-able container, it will not attempt to spawn new items in there. It is another measure to prevent player's storage containers from being wiped clean and spawning new items. Here's what it looks like in the server.ini file:


HoursForLootRespawn=400 -- 17 days, respawn items in areas allowable
MaxItemsForLootRespawn=5 -- if 5 items in container, no respawn



Edited by argenex
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