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  1. Dude, i reload ammo IRL, does not work. That is a factory made hollow point, you could cast something like that but not saw it? How would you even?
  2. There is a mod for this. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2590662055
  3. I did not find a solution, so i tried a workaround and it worked. I made the scrap lead drainable and then just added a pot as "keep" in the recipe. So the player still needs a pot, but no weird filling in and out of the pot.
  4. Sooo i did a bit of digging in the PZ Base code, i found some code for refilling the Blowtorch. Makes sense, to use that. Both Blowtorch and Propanetank are Drainable. One gets depleted the other filled. But i have not gotten it to work yet. Mabye someone can find something obvoius. LUA: function Recipe.OnCreate.RefillLeadPot,(items, result, player) local scrapleadpot = nil; local scraplead = nil; for i=0, items:size()-1 do if items:get(i):getType() == "scrapleadpot" then scrapleadpot = items:get(i); elseif items:get(i):getType() == "scraplead" then scraplead = items:get(i); end end result:setUsedDelta(scrapleadpot:getUsedDelta() + result:getUseDelta() * 30); while result:getUsedDelta() < 1 and scraplead:getUsedDelta() > 0 do result:setUsedDelta(result:getUsedDelta() + result:getUseDelta() * 30); scraplead:Use(); end if result:getUsedDelta() > 1 then result:setUsedDelta(1); end end SCRIPT: recipe Put Lead in Pot { scraplead, Pot, Result: scrapleadpot;1, Time:30.0, } recipe Add Lead in Pot { scraplead=1, destroy scrapleadpot, Result: scrapleadpot, Time:30.0, OnCreate:Recipe.OnCreate.RefillLeadPot,
  5. I am working on a Mod where the player can make projectiles from molten lead. I already got the drainable item "scrapleadpot" working. Also working is putting single bits of lead ("scraplead") into the pot and using the drainable pot. But here is the issue: After that i cannot add more lead. I tried making a recipe adding "scraplead" into the "potoflead", but i am missing something: How do i make it so the player can put lead into the potof lead until it is full? It stops at half. I tried a workaround but it seems like a dead end. In the end the player should be able to put 30 pieces of "scraplead" into the pot with the "potoflead" showing the coresponding fullness. item scraplead { Weight = 0.01, Type = Normal, DisplayName = Scrap Lead, DisplayCategory = Item, Icon = scraplead, WorldStaticModel = BoxOfShotGunShells, } item scrapleadpot { Weight = 3, Type = Drainable, UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, UseDelta = 0.25, DisplayName = Pot with lead, ReplaceOnDeplete = Pot, Icon = Pot_Water, IsCookable = TRUE, StaticModel = CookingPot, WorldStaticModel = CookingPotWater_Ground, recipe Put Lead in Pot { scraplead, Pot, Result: scrapleadpot;1, Time:30.0, } recipe Add Lead in Pot { scraplead, destroy scrapleadpot, Result: scrapleadpot;2, /*this gives me a half full pot, but after that i cannot add more*/ Time:30.0, } recipe Add Lead in Pot { scraplead, destroy scrapleadpot=3, /*i tried a workaround with this but this does not seem like a good solution*/ Result: scrapleadpot;4, Time:30.0, } recipe Add Lead in Pot { scraplead, destroy scrapleadpot=4, Result: scrapleadpot;5, Time:30.0, } recipe Add Lead in Pot { scraplead, destroy scrapleadpot=5, Result: scrapleadpot;6, Time:30.0, } This has nothing to do with the issue, but might be interesting: I adapted the recepie from disinfecting bandages for my pot. This works as intended. recipe Mold 9mm projectiles { keep Bulletmold9mm, scrapleadpot;5, CanBeDoneFromFloor:true, Result:9mmbullet, Time:50.0, Heat:-0.22, }
  6. Yeah, they had internal mags before, they should have now.
  7. @Morbo513ORGM-Mod made it possible to have different rounds in the same magazine, so the devs should be able to do that too. I believe that they just dont put alot of effort in the guns at this time
  8. I also dont like the new disign. In previous patches the rifles used an internal mag. Dont know why devs changed it for the worse.
  9. Is there a reason why the M16 cannot use 223 bullets? It actually should.
  10. I really like guns, but i think that system goes to deep. Most people would just be confused. Sometimes less is more. But i agree that the current repair system is just dumb.
  11. I updated the main post, with what the devs already adressed.
  12. Double Barrled Shotgun behaves just like the Pump-Action. Racks it after every shot. Also there is no relaoding animation.
  13. I found these items form the ORGM Rechambered mod in the gun store. No mods were installed. I double checked the mods folder, nothing in there.
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