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ZomboidSurvivor's Achievements

  1. Words can not describe, absolutely fantastic.
  2. There would be 7 How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
  3. On this thread the three things I really want to see are gasmasks, visible backpacks, and jackets.
  4. This thread seems so simple, it is just talking about adding more clothing. The clothing that I had a idea would be good in Project Zomboid are stuff such as T-Shirts, backpacks, shorts, gasmasks, kevlar vests, the list goes on and on.
  5. I sometimes fool around with my zombies, sometimes I will go with the weak as hell running zombies from L4D. Or classic romero zombies.
  6. Taking a zombies shirt since the one I had one was pink. Then having that zombies buddy bite my shoulder off.
  7. Wonder what Kitchen Knife tastes like...
  8. Hm, it is possible. But I would assume somewhat difficult. Maybe digging around the files and stuff or wait for the tools to come out.
  9. Oh my... I have a few that are just embarrasing. I'm just gonna name two for now. The first one was when I head into the city apartment and began to head down the staircase with my hunting rifle ready (Weapon Mod) where I then fell down the staircase and died of farfall disease Two, I tried to kill a survivor with a pen while he had a axe...
  10. Looks good so far, unless they plan on adding Parkour.
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