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  1. That zombie respawn thing scares me. Barricade yourself for too long and the world changes around you. Would this affect the npc meta game eventually? Item drop respawn will keep looting interesting. No more "I've already looted this place so no bother going back" mentality. This is the build that will keep you on the edge. Great work!
  2. Sniping map errors like a mofo lately, wssup with that?

  3. Happy with Build 26, still wondering when controller support will be ironed out...

  4. Same here. We have been deprived of consuming delicious cold burgers. They can't be right-clicked anymore. You can still drag the Burger from one container to the other.
  5. Throwing it on the ground would be cool too, sure, but the concept of it is kinda simple, no? I though my idea had a little PZ-depth to it.
  6. Great, awesome work guys. Update day for PZ is always a good day. I tried loading up my world from previous build 25c. I like the neat loading screen text saying it's converting my save :3. It loaded like it should, however, all my crops were reset and any Tent I put up disappeared. But whatever, I don't care, I restart a fresh save with every build and all that capentry work I did on that save don't really count anymore with the axe/sledgehammer nerf. Hope you guys have a nice easter monday! EDIT: Holy shit, the zombies inside houses have come back. Scared me to death just now.
  7. I made a similar suggestion here after seeing the new cooking system post. http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/7486-compost/#entry98463 How about that?
  8. BOOOOOOO-urns for Axe/Sledgehammer nerf. BOOOOOO-urns!!! Why did it have to wait over 2 years to finally realize these 2 needed durability while using them as tools? They have been around since the pre-alpha demo.... -.- How many warehouse crates will we be able to destroy with a full health Sledgehammer? That was one of my favorite pass-time. Also, how many trees can I take down with a single axe?
  9. Yes to all of this. I imagine a future where people sprint very fast for some time, then promptly sit down on the floor to recover fatigue faster. Musical chairs BBQ parties. What I had in mind before I searched for this thread: - sitting down at the diner table in the kitchen boost food buff a little - sitting on a couch in a living room would negate boredom induced by Skill book reading - sitting on a toilet(seat down) would boost medical items effectiveness (applying bandaid, taking pills...) - sitting anywhere could make item transfer faster from inventory to backpack/container/floor
  10. Vagrant


    This is a more elaborate post about compost. In future upcoming Build 26, we will be able to use Rotten Food to make recipes. Well, why not introduce Compost in a future update? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compost I've given it some thoughts. Here's how I'd do it. Requirements: - Carpentry lvl1 (to make the compost box) - Farming lvl2 (noob farmers don't know what compost is, so you'd read up on it in skill books) - A Spade (to stir up the compost) - Any water container (to periodically add water before stirring) - A Bucket (to pick up and drop compost) - and of course, Rotten Food So, you build up your compost box back in your farm. You put your stack of rotten food inside. Add some water, stir it up with a Spade. Then you wait and come back the next day and stir it again with your Spade. I imagine a fancy infobox displaying the humidity level inside the compost box, so you'd know if it's time to add some water or not. After around 1-2 weeks of wating and stirring, the Rotten Food inside the compost would merge into 1 item, Compost. Depending on how much you checked up on it, it would have differently level of power (dry compost, compost, rich compost). Then you take a Bucket, pick up the compost from the box and sprinkle it over your crops like fertilizer. It wouldn't be as powerful as the NPK Fertilizer but you'd still see a noticable growth rate. I'm sure all of y'all farmers would like this idea. Discuss.
  11. I like this new cooking system. But I have a better idea for rotten food: Compost. Turn rotten stuff into natural fertilizer. Y'all keep up the good work.
  12. lol @ my posts getting baleeted

  13. Dropping by to thumbs up you all. I've tried this new version after not playing for a while. Hit registration works fine (i had troubles with that), inventory's super slick to navigate and I like all these new items and crafting recipes. The 3D models are very nice to watch in action (set to animate all). I'm very happy to see we can now repair our precious weapons, rename our bags anb set the font size of the inventory. Really, this game got better than I anticipated. Keep up the nice work.
  14. Just got ze download. Gonna try this tonight. I hope you guys boosted the Lollipop and Chocolate drop rate just for Halloween :S
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