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Build 27 cheat mods?


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I'm looking in particular any mods that will give me god mode, I have necroforge for spawning in items but it doesn't include god mode. Zspawn doesn't work for me and neither does dida55's multihack. Or if anyone could direct me to a file in the game that I can edit to do it myself that would be awesome.

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Create a file in media/lua/client (like debug.lua, we don't care)


Put this in it :

ontick = function()    getPlayer():getBodyDamage():RestoreToFullHealth();endEvents.OnTick.Add(ontick);

That'll make you invicible :) (it won't work in multiplayer tho ;))


do you create it with notepad or how do you do that?

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Create a file in media/lua/client (like debug.lua, we don't care)


Put this in it :

ontick = function()    getPlayer():getBodyDamage():RestoreToFullHealth();endEvents.OnTick.Add(ontick);

That'll make you invicible :) (it won't work in multiplayer tho ;))

Thanks man.

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What's up with 'ontick = function()'? Isn't it usually 'function ontick()'?


I believe the difference is that you're setting the member value ontick to a function rather than making a new function called ontick.  It's more like C structs that can contain an infinite number of any type <3 <3


For example:

a = {}a.a = function()print("a.a was called!");endfunction a.b()print("a.b was called!");end

This creates a "class" called "a"

"a.a" is a function that prints "a.a was called!" to stdout.

"a.b" is a function that prints "a.b was called!" to stdout.

The difference is, "a.a" is actually PART OF "a".  It's included in the "class" itself, while "a.b" is just a function that starts with "a."

Functionally, you'll almost never notice a difference, but it can cause some horrible errors later if something goes wrong.  Plus it's just better code style, as well as future proof.


You may ask why this applies to a script outside of a group, once again the answer is that it's better code style.  If you do that with ALL functions, it's more human readable and makes it carry over smoothly into member functions. :)

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I'm looking in particular any mods that will give me god mode, I have necroforge for spawning in items but it doesn't include god mode. Zspawn doesn't work for me and neither does dida55's multihack. Or if anyone could direct me to a file in the game that I can edit to do it myself that would be awesome.

 u say z spawn doesn't work for you? i was able to get it to work by just using some of the info from mindmod

Create a folder in your C:/user/(your usr name)/zomboid/mods/                 name it zspawn


in the zspawn folder make a txt file, edit it and add the fowling lines:


save as...  (all files) mod.info
also in the zspawn folder create another folder, name it media. in the media folder make another, name it lua. in there a folder named client

then in the client folder create another folder named zspawn and place the mod file (ISUI), also in this zspawn folder make another txt and edit it



add the fowling:




-- Cleaning MOD
-- created by Spyder638
-- General mod info
local MOD_ID = "ZSpawn";
local MOD_NAME = "ZSpawn";
local MOD_VERSION = "0.1";
local MOD_AUTHOR = "Spyder638";
local MOD_DESCRIPTION = "Spawns a variety of weapons and items";
-- Prints out the mod info on startup.
local function MindModinfo()
print("Mod Loaded: " .. MOD_NAME .. " by " .. MOD_AUTHOR .. " (v" .. MOD_VERSION .. ")");
-- Game events
save ass... (all files)  zspawn.lua
Ok now you are all done mod fixed
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