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The ^<V Game


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The ^<V game


The way you play is simple:


^  - (respond to the fact above you: eg Confirm or deny)

< - (an actual fact about yourself)

v - (guess a fact about the person bellow you)


Respond to the previous post, post a fact about yourself, and then guess a fact about the person bellow you. They can be any kind of facts (though be reasonable about what you guess/reveal).


I'll start us off:


^  - N/A

< - Sometimes hisses when he's working on a difficult task.

v - Likes to listen to K-pop.

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^ can't say that I care


< I love reading comics at work and on the toilet


v when taking a dump, you're sitting the for at least 10 minutes even though you're finished (might even be browsing the web or play some games)

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^ Sadly, no; I think I'm about 1 to 1/2 generations too late.

< Has managed to remain at 250 lbs. and 6 ft. for about a year by infrequently exercising and eating acceptably healthy food.

v Has recently lost lots of weight as evidenced by their trim, vibrant figure.

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