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Does anyone know what the animation syntaxing is?


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Hey guys!


So, for the project I'm currently working on I need to work with animated sprites. The thing is, there is no reference anywhere on how to syntax or organize the spritesheets to have the coding automatically sort out the directionals or how to organize the frames for say, 4 frames of a sprites in a animation.

I figured I'd first ask about it, before I go ahead an make a new system myself, or spend hours testing things till it works. :P


If the question isn't clear or if you want more info, let me know!


~ MisterInSayne



Edit: I found out it works as: BaseSpriteName_DirectionalNumber1to9_AnimationName_FrameNumber.png

now how does the indexing work for spritesheets however.... XD


Edit2: found out how to do it using .pack files... now how do I make the object use it... hmmmm...


Edit3: this topic is no longer needed, all is working <3

Edited by MisterInSayne
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