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[Help?] Wounds & Changing Bandages


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As far as I have seen a scratch is a cut, but it wasn't done with teeth. It bleeds to some degree and after an amount of time relative to the severity of the wound it will turn the bandage 'dirty'.


The more active you are while wounded the more that scratch will bleed, the quicker the bandages need changing etc. AFAIK there's nothing to stop you leaving on a dirty bandage for a while as long as you have the resources to disinfect the wound before it goes too rotten.  If possible I always try to eat lots, rest and read any skill books I have available when first recovering from a wound, or sleep if that ends up too boring.


Directly disinfecting wounds is painful - this alone can increase your pain level very rapidly if you're too liberal with the disinfectant. Alcohol wipes (and I believe alcohol cotton) is less painful, and disinfected bandages allows a measure of infection control that is less painful.  I strongly suspect that all of these will only affect the normal, everyday, mundane infections.


However, I have had 'scratches' that later turned out to need stitching (if your wound level just keeps getting worse, see if you can, as always suture needle/needle and thread need to be in your main inventory) or indeed informed me about the glass shard inside only after several bandage changes.


I haven't tried a doctor or nurse build yet so I'm unsure as to whether a high First Aid skill would make diagnoses faster, I'd hope that it would. But let's not forget that without a relevant skill your character is basically saying "I'm hurt" and whether it was teeth, fire, infection or something else that did the deed.


I'd just like to say that although I haven't been playing PZ all that long I've had lots of wounds on lots of IWBUMS playthroughs and trial-and-error'd my way through them, oh, and apologies for the extra long post :)


Edit: One last thing, I think all scratches/bites bleed, the 'Bleeding' moodle is mainly to let you know that it's enough for zombies to track you by scent.

Edited by Morgan2020
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What I usually do is I carry around about 7 real bandages not the ripped sheets. I've noticed that the brown heavier ones actually last longer (might be placebo). I disinfect a few of them and leave the others normal. If you change your bandage before it gets dirty it will stay as sterilized bandage. So keep changing your normal bandages and once you're safe and its stopped bleeding profusely switch to a sterilized bandage. Make sure you stay on top of switching it out even if its for the same one. This resets the soiling.


I usually play on really hard loot settings so its difficult to find things like disinfectant so I find this is a good way of conserving it.

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Thanks a ton Morgan! That was a very informative post. :) And thanks to you too, teapot. Plenty of handy information that should make this more manageable. I think I've got this figured out, finally, thanks to all your posts. I appreciate the help, everyone!

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