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Couple of Newbie server questions :/ sorry


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I will probably delete this thread unless someone thinks its not too noobish to stay :P


First off I'm having a little trouble with starting with items. So my "SpawnItems" line looks like this:


"SpawnItems=Base.Axe, Base.BaseballBatNails, Base.Hammer,"


Except you only spawn with the axe. I also cant seem to locate any bags in the "media/scripts" folder under 'items' or 'new items'. Is it possible to start with a backpack or no?


Next I was wondering if someone could quickly explain a soft and hard server reset for me, and how one goes about initiating them? Would a soft reset be along the lines of me typing "/reset" in the command prompt and a hard reset be closing the server cmd prompt window completely? Basically I'm just putting the server up for me and some RL friends to play on but I dont really wanna run the server while I'm at work and my shared internet connection gives out sometimes, so I wanna be sure that if I exit the server window or get disconnected from the internet our base wont disapear along with all our stuff and characters.


Thanks for your help, and sorry Im not better at searching :P i tried, really!

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Can't help you with the spawn item issue.


But, the server closing / restarting thing is really simple. Just close the Server.bat (the command line thingy) and the server is closed.

Next time you and your friends want to play, restart it, connect (watch your IP adress) and play were stopped playing last time.


As long as you have the server.bat not running, there won't be anything done with your multiplayer game. You can play singleplayer sandbox all day long, time does not pass in the multiplayer, unless u start the server and begin to play on it.

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Can't help you with the spawn item issue.


But, the server closing / restarting thing is really simple. Just close the Server.bat (the command line thingy) and the server is closed.

Next time you and your friends want to play, restart it, connect (watch your IP adress) and play were stopped playing last time.


As long as you have the server.bat not running, there won't be anything done with your multiplayer game. You can play singleplayer sandbox all day long, time does not pass in the multiplayer, unless u start the server and begin to play on it.


Just make sure you go into the servertest.ini and edit PauseEmpty=true.


Default I believe is false, so your server will run even if no one is logged on (but not if you close the .bat)

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"SpawnItems=Base.Axe, Base.BaseballBatNails, Base.Hammer,"

Multiple items are separated by a comma only, no spaces.

Make it


and people will spawn with all three of them.

Bags are listed in "newitems" under "Container":


/************************Container************************/	item Duffelbag	{		WeightReduction	=	65,		Weight	=	1,		Type	=	Container,		Capacity	=	18,		DisplayName	=	Duffelbag,		Icon	=	Duffelbag,        CanBeEquipped = Back,	}	item Plasticbag	{		WeightReduction	=	30,		Weight	=	0.1,		Type	=	Container,		Capacity	=	8,		DisplayName	=	Plastic Bag,		Icon	=	Plasticbag,	}	item Garbagebag    {        WeightReduction	=	10,        Weight	=	0.1,        Type	=	Container,        Capacity	=	20,        DisplayName	=	Garbage Bag,        Icon	=	Garbagebag,    }	item Tote	{		WeightReduction	=	50,		Weight	=	0.5,		Type	=	Container,		Capacity	=	12,		DisplayName	=	Tote Bag,		Icon	=	Tote,	}	item Purse    {        WeightReduction	=	55,        Weight	=	0.5,        Type	=	Container,        Capacity	=	12,        DisplayName	=	Purse,        Icon	=	Purse,    }  	item Schoolbag	{		WeightReduction	=	60,		Weight	=	0.5,		Type	=	Container,		Capacity	=	15,		DisplayName	=	Schoolbag,		Icon	=	Backpack,        CanBeEquipped = Back,        OpenSound   =   PZ_OpenBag,        CloseSound   =   PZ_CloseBag,        PutInSound   =   PZ_PutInBag,	}      item NormalHikingBag	{		WeightReduction	=	70,		Weight	=	0.5,		Type	=	Container,		Capacity	=	20,		DisplayName	=	Normal Hiking Bag,		Icon	=	Duffelbag,        CanBeEquipped = Back,        OpenSound   =   PZ_OpenBag,        CloseSound   =   PZ_CloseBag,        PutInSound   =   PZ_PutInBag,	}    item BigHikingBag	{		WeightReduction	=	80,		Weight	=	0.5,		Type	=	Container,		Capacity	=	22,		DisplayName	=	Big Hiking Bag,		Icon	=	Duffelbag,        CanBeEquipped = Back,        OpenSound   =   PZ_OpenBag,        CloseSound   =   PZ_CloseBag,        PutInSound   =   PZ_PutInBag,	}	item EmptySandbag    {        Weight	=	0.1,        Type	=	Container,        WeightReduction	=	10,        Capacity	=	15,        DisplayName	=	Empty Sand bag,        Icon	=	SandbagEmpty,



will let players spawn with a normal hiking bag

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Thanks everybody! Very helpful!! One more thing about server resets tho, lets just say I did want to completely reset the server and clear all our data for a fresh start, is there a save file I should delete?


This is a post I made a couple of days ago. All about resets thanks to BryBry

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys one more question for ya :P if i want to put a mod on my server what do i type in the "mod" line? Would I type the name of the folder of the mod? For example if i want the "TommyGuns" mod which is a folder called "TommyGuns" should my mod line look like this: "Mods=TommyGuns" ?


Thanks again for all your help!

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