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Cake Recipe Fix


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Hello, just registered to share my little fix to the Cake Recipe.


The Issue:

First and foremost in case you haven't noticed as of Build 27 if you Make Cake Batter, you use a Bowl and some ingredients, then you Put the Cake Batter in a Baking Pan, here comes the first issue, you don't get the Bowl back after pouring the Cake Batter in the Baking Pan, you get a Cake Preparation, which you can add Fruits and Chococolate to and thus make a Cake, then you can either eat the Whole Cake or Cut it into Slices to get Cake Slices, either way, and here comes the second issue, you should get the Baking Pan back after you're done with the Cake, and you don't...


The Fix:
in newitems.txt


replace CakeBatter for:

item CakeBatter{Type = Drainable,UseWhileEquipped = FALSE,UseDelta = 1.00,DisplayName = Cake Batter,Icon = CakeBatter,Weight = 0.3,ReplaceOnDeplete = Bowl,}
replace CakeRaw for:
item CakeRaw{HungerChange = -15,Weight = 0.2,AlwaysWelcomeGift = true,Type = Food,UnhappyChange = -10,DisplayName = Cake,Icon = Cake,IsCookable = TRUE,DaysTotallyRotten = 9,MinutesToBurn = 110,MinutesToCook = 40,ReplaceOnUse = BakingPan,DaysFresh = 4,}

That's it! now once you pour the Cake Batter on the Baking Pan you do get the Bowl back and once you either eat the whole Cake or cut it into Slices you get the Baking Pan back.



TL,DR: Making a Cake consumes a Bowl and a Baking Pan, I fixed it.

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