Simple Landscape Generation

Man I love playing around with landscape generators, it’s the most therapeutic thing ever. I recommend it. It’s the weekend tomorrow, what are you waiting for? Anyway, in a break from whinging about games and the games industry I thought I’d write a few words about some daft experiments I was doing with landscapes… uhhh……

I’d Rather Kill Humans Than Animals*

*In videogames Human-shaped polygonal surfaces in videogames are not people, no matter how well rendered, animated, and voice-acted. They are literal shells. They do not think, nor feel – they just react according to their programming. They are not Cylons where their programming is so complex that one could posit that they are alive, because…

Is there an indie game dev ‘clique’?

Buggered if I know. Not in Newcastle anyway, since there’s bollocks all indie devs up here so far as I can tell. Hope that helps. Love and hugs, Binky   (edit: longer post here)

Why I’m not (yet) excited by the Oculus Rift

Let’s forget about the Facebook acquisition – that one aspect is enough to make me not want to buy one – but for the purposes of this blog, “Oculus Rift” is short-hand for any VR headset. I have a spinal condition which makes it difficult to walk and to move generally. Basically, imagine that your…

Alpha-Funded Development

The term “alpha” is pointless. It serves no purpose. What does it mean? The whole point of any term is to add clarity to something and “alpha” absolutely does not do that. Well it did, but now it doesn’t. Here is a diagram of a traditional game development process: Nice and straight-forward. The “Alpha” is the bit…

Game prices, whinging about prices, whinging in general

Up there on the list of, “statements which annoy me” nestling amongst, “game development – it’s just a job” (bullshit) and, “free to play is good for games design” (LOL) is this old chestnut: My game’s, like, $10 – that’s less than the price of a couple of beers! What on Earth are you whinging about?…

Professionalism and Indies v2.0

Please don’t read the other one. It’s out of date. I was hoping that it would have slipped off the first page by now (I wrote it over a year ago) but, unfortunately, my blog post output is not nearly high enough. I could have deleted it I suppose, but then that seemed a bit…

The Problem I Have With Touch Controls

Few things irritate me more than failing to follow standard interface conventions. There are tremendously good reasons for these standards existing – I should be able to grab the mouse and immediately get to work without weird things happening, forcing me to trawl through the help pages. Consider something like 3D Studio Max. It’s a…

Why I’m not a fan of F2P

One of the main reasons I was made redundant from my position at the studio I worked at prior to going indie was that I was (ridiculous as this sounds) too interested in the quality of our games. It caused arguments, stress, it made me a problem. I got so angry – I just wanted…

Is it time to move away from the term ‘indie’?

What does it actually mean to be indie anyway? Yes, technically, to be indie simply means you are independent, but in the context of talking about ‘indie games’ the word carries more baggage than simply the lack of publisher. To some, ‘indie’ is literally just short for ‘independent’ which qualifies Valve as an indie studio….